Charles Finney Autobiography
Finney converted at the age of twenty-nine, and “the work of the Lord spread forth in every direction all over town.” Later that influence was felt all over the United States, England, and Scotland. People by the multitudes dedicated their lives to Christ. The powerful movement of God’s Spirit consecrated whole towns. Secular establishments where closing down, while churches were filling with people hungry for God. Converts came singly, by twos and threes, families and whole communities.
In this book, you will find numerous testimonies of how God supernaturally saved poor and rich, educated and illiterate, lawbreakers and the elite.The name of Charles G. Finney stands among the foremost evangelists of the nineteenth century. Nearly 150 years after Finney’s death, his revival lectures still rank among the masterpieces of evangelical literature. The memoirs in this volume, written by his own hand, tell the story of his remarkable life.
“This book is a MUST for every Christian. It will put you on your knees”. – Pavel Gurzhiy
Charles Finney Autobiography
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“This book is a MUST for every Christian. It will put you on your knees”. – Pavel Gurzhiy
Year Published: 2016